1. CCC
1.1. 2023
Beaucoup de changements dans le planning, à revoir.
1.1.1. Jour 1
- VU Place & route on silicon
- VU Apple's iPhone 15: Under the C
- VU Breaking "DRM" in Polish trains
- VU Unlocking the Road Ahead: Automotive Digital Forensics
- VU Back in the Driver's Seat: Recovering Critical Data from Tesla Autopilot Using Voltage Glitching
- TODO Please Identify Yourself!
- TODO Operation Triangulation: What You Get When Attack iPhones of Researchers
- TODO Open CPU / SoC design, all the way up to Debian
- TODO Adventures in Reverse Engineering Broadcom NIC Firmware
- TODO How to Hack Your Way to Space
- TODO Unlocked! Recovering files taken hostage by ransomware
- TODO Sucking dust and cutting grass: reversing robots and bypassing security
- Scholz greift durch: Die AfD wird verboten - Deepfakes auch!
- The Trouble with Green Electricity Certificates
- Unsere Worte sind unsere Waffen
- Hacking the Climate
- Die Akte Xandr: Ein tiefer Blick in den Abgrund der Datenindustrie
- "Was sind eigentlich Audio Interventionen?" - Von Sound Grafitti und Protest-Jingles
- Toniebox Reverse Engineering
- Was Digitale Gewalt mit Restaurantkritik zu tun hat
- KIM: Kaos In der Medizinischen Telematikinfrastruktur (TI)
- Hirne hacken: Hackback Edition
- Opencoil
- State of Affairs in the case of Julian Assange
- Handsfree assistive technology
- Klimafreundliche Digitalisierung: Koalitionsvertrag vs. Wirklichkeit
- Bifröst: Apple's Rainbow Bridge for Satellite Communication
- The Unfolding Space Glove
- SMTP Smuggling – Spoofing E-Mails Worldwide
- Hackers for Future
- Music on Mars? A Musical Adventure for Astronauts and the Space Cadets Who Love Them.
- Ist die Demokratie noch zu retten?
- Fortbildung Cyber-Astrologie & KI-Karma
- The Extremely Large Telescope (ELT)
- Euclid – das neue Weltraumteleskop
1.1.2. Jour 2
- VU Infrastructure of a migratory bird
- VU Why Railway Is Safe But Not Secure
- VU Tractors, Rockets and the Internet in Belarus
- VU Nintendo hacking 2023: 2008
- VU All cops are broadcasting
- VU Lightning Talks Day 2
- VU ARMore: Pushing Love Back Into Binaries
- VU Tor censorship attempts in Russia, Iran, Turkmenistan
- TODO A year of surveillance in France: a short satirical tale by La Quadrature du Net
- TODO Rust Binary Analysis, Feature by Feature
- TODO Fuzz Everything, Everywhere, All at Once
- TODO Demoscene now and then
- Hacking Neural Networks
- Von Zebrastreifen, offenen Daten und verschlossenen Verwaltungen
- Software Licensing For A Circular Economy
- Predator Files: How European spyware threatens civil society around the world
- The impact of quantum computers in cybersecurity
- Das Recht auf Selbstverteidigung im modernen Völkerrecht
- Hurra, diese Welt geht unter!?
- Der sehende Stein der Polizeibehörden
- AlphaFold – how machine learning changed structural biology forever (or not?)
- Weil „be excellent to each other” nicht reicht
- Synthetic Sentience
- Science Slam
- Rettet uns die KI?
- Image Making Fatigue
- Turning Chromebooks into regular laptops
- Lützerath Lebt! Einblicke in den Widerstand
- A NEW HOPE [de]
- Das Diskmags-Projekt
- Decentralized energy production: green future or cybersecurity nightmare?
- KI – Macht – Ungleichheit.
- What I Learned from Loab: AI as a creative adversary
- BLUFFS: Bluetooth Forward and Future Secrecy Attacks and Defenses
- Sonic Alchemy
- Die netzpolitische Neujahrsansprache
- Fnord-Jahresrückblick-Rückblick
1.1.3. Jour 3
- VU Unlocking Hardware Security: Red Team, Blue Team, and Trojan Tales
- TODO Fuzzing the TCP/IP stack
- VU Finding Vulnerabilities in Internet-Connected Devices
- VU Reconstructing game footage from a Game Boy's memory bus
- VU What your phone won’t tell you
- TODO Investigating the Iridium Satellite Network
- Von der ePA zum EHDS: 7 Thesen zur aktuellen digitalen Gesundheitspolitik
- Einführung in Smartphone Malware Forensik
- Numerical Air Quality Modeling Systems
- Darf's noch etwas visionärer sein?
- What is this? A machine learning model for ants?
- Gläserne Geflüchtete
- Full AACSess: Exposing and exploiting AACSv2 UHD DRM for your viewing pleasure
- Social Engineering: Geschichte, Wirkung & Maßnahmen.
- Seeds of Change
- About Gamma-Ray Bursts And Boats
- RFC 9420 or how to scale end-to-end encryption with Messaging Layer Security
- Vierjahresrückblick des CCC
- How Many Planets in Our Solar System? Glad You Asked!
- Gut feelings: Can we optimize lifestyle, diet and medication according to our respective microbiota?
- Ecocide and (green) colonialism in Sápmi
- Chatkontrolle - Es ist noch nicht vorbei!
- Quantum Cryptography - Real Progress or Expensive Hype?
- DevOps but for artworks in museums
- On Digitalisation, Sustainability & Climate Justice
- Gemeinsam gegen rechten Terror! Aber wie?
- Heimlich-Manöver
- How to build a submarine and survive
- Unlocked: PICing a wireless door access system
- Buffered Daemons
1.1.4. Jour 4
- TODO Making homebrew for your very own Vector Super Computer
- TODO Mobile reverse engineering to empower the gig economy workers and labor unions
- VU Dissecting EU electronic evidence
- TODO Self-cannibalizing AI
- VU 37c3 infrastructure review
- Lass mal das Innere eines Neuronalen Netzes ansehen!
- Blackbox Chemieindustrie
- Link-Extremismus und Pressefreiheit
- Should e-voting experience of Estonia be copied?
- Analog rotary phones get a second life with raspberry pi
- Zapfenstreich
- Decolonize runet! Decolonize network measurements! A provocative take on the Russian sovereign internet project
- Tech(no)fixes beware!
- KI im Klassenzimmer - ein Update!
- Was haben Atome je für uns getan?
- The Ultimate SPC700 Talk
- A Libyan Militia and the EU - A Love Story?
- Oh no: KUNO - Gesperrte Girocards entsperren
- Öffnet eure Spaces für Gehörlose!
- Security Nightmares
- Vom Darkroom in die Blackbox
- CCC カラオケ – aktuelle Karaokeforschung